
HIMKI Needs More Government Support to Develop the Industry


Indonesia International Furniture Expo (IFEX) 2019

Indonesia International Furniture Expo (IFEX) 2019



HIMKI Needs More Government Support to Develop the Industry

Jakarta, 12 March 2019 – The organizing of the largest business-to-business (B2B) furniture  exhibition in Indonesia and the region, the Indonesia International Furniture Expo (IFEX) 2019,  receives positive response from local and international industry player. More than 500 exhibitors  are taking part in this year’s exhibition and they are very excited to welcome visitors and buyers of

IFEX 2019. The existence of IFEX and the quality of products displayed in the exhibition has become  the benchmark for buyers who are looking for crème de la crème products.

Chairman of the Indonesia Furniture Industry and Craft Association (HIMKI), Soenoto, said the  abundant natural resources and ample human resources in Indonesia should be used to creat high quality furniture products. Indonesian furniture is known to have unique designs and creativity  unlike any other in the world. Nearly all the materials to create such products can be easily found  in Indonesia. One of the most significant materials in Indonesia is rattan since Indonesia owns 80%  of global rattan production. The advantage of having abundant rattan materials should be used to  produce the best rattan products while creating new jobs.

In addition to the natural and human resources, the furniture industry is expecting the government  to provide more support to further develop the industry. Without the right regulation, the  improvement would be more challenging. The regulation issue is one of the highlights during a press  session with HIMKI Chairman on Monday (11/3). Soenoto said so far, the government has provided  tremendous support to develop the industry.

In the occasion, he emphasized the need for more government support in terms of ease of access  to capital and market expansion. He also highlighted the issue of furniture import and hoped the  government would introduce a new regulation to limit the import of furniture products to protect  local furniture.

Soenoto also hoped the government would provide aid to local industry players in terms of  production machinery. He said most of the country’s industry players are small and medium  companies that really need government’s support to enable them to produce more quality products  in larger quantity.

On the other hand, HIMKI encourages its member to always create products with unique value and  designs to attract investors or buyers. Nowadays, foreign buyers are very selective in choosing their  desired products that forces industry players to be more creative. Indonesian furniture and craft  products are famous for their unique designs. However, Soenoto said the manufacturers still need  more assistance and training to produce excellent products. 

“We must always keep up with the  latest trend in the global furniture industry and always push ourselves to create unique products  and drive the demand,” concluded Soenoto.

HIMKI is the result of the merger of two previous organizations in furniture and craft industry namely AMKRI and ASMINDO. The merger was strongly supported by President Joko Widodo to create a single entity that is  strong and huge that also serves as the government’s partner in supporting the industry to encourage the  competitiveness of furniture and craft products in the domestic and international markets.

HIMKI was officially declared on May 31 2016 in Jakarta and was later confirmed on July 28 2016 at the Ministry  of Industry and on the same day was approved by President Joko Widodo at Istana Negara.

HIMKI was established based on similarity in the vision, mission, and purposes among its members to collectively  support the country’s furniture and craft industry. The organization is expected to become the institution that is  aspirational and accommodating with the spirit of equality among its members.

About Dyandra Promosindo
Dyandra Promosindo is a Professional Event Organizer (PEO) in Indonesia, and is a sub-holding company of  PT Dyandra Media International (DMI). Since its established in 1994, Dyandra Promosindo has managed to  record impressive track record of exhibitions throughout Indonesia. Dyandra Promosindo has organized more  than 850 exhibitions in Jakarta, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Bali, Makassar, Medan and other major cities in  Indonesia. With more than 1,000 exhibitors every year, including foreign exhibitors, Dyandra Promosindo has  proven itself as the trusted business partner while improving itself to realize a better exhibition culture in  Indonesia. Dyandra Promosindo has organized various exhibitions such as B2B exhibition, B2C exhibition,  music concerts, world-scale conferences and summits.

Dyandra Promosindo is the first PEO in Indonesia with ISO 9001:2008 certification for management quality  system.

The exhibitions by Dyandra Promosindo, among others, are: Indonesia International Motor Show, Indonesia  International Furniture Expo, Indonesian Petroleum Association Convex, Indonesia E-Commerce Summit &  Expo, Indonesia Cellular Show, International Franchise, License and Business Concept Expo & Conference,  Garuda Indonesia Travel Fair, and many more

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