3rd Nongsa Challenge is a collaboration between Cycosports Singapore, Turi Beach Resort and supported by Wonderful Indonesia, Batam Tourism Office and Riau Islands Tourism Office
Nongsa Challenge is a yearly cycling event calendar that always awaits by Asian cyclist since 1st Nongsa Challenge back in 2014. Today the 3rd Nongsa Challenge 2017 participated by around 140 cyclists from 18 countries such as Singapore, United Kingdom , Australia, Japan, France, Germany, Belgium, United States, Denmark, Canada, India and Malaysia joining this event. It was a very competitive race and lives up to the name as "challenging" due to the hills and the continuous breaks in the peloton. This year the race has been divided into age categories which are then grouped into 3 Pelotons.Cyclist left from Singapore - Harbour Front as early as at 7.15 am and headed to Batam Centre ferry terminal for the start. 1st Peloton was started at 8 am , 2nd peloton continued at 8.05 am and 3rd peloton continued at 8.10 am
Once the pelotons were ready, they were escorted out of the city to Nongsa where the real challenge of the Nongsa circuit awaits - 7 laps for Peloton 1/2 and 5 laps for Peloton 3 .
After went through 7 laps with a challenging track, the cyclists reached the finish line which was placed in Turi Beach Resort. After the race, the cyclists were welcomed to have lunch which was set by Turi Beach Resort team and a music DJ performance also came to entertain the participants.
3rd Nongsa Challenge is proved that Nongsa in Indonesia Batam island showcase of Indonesian Batam island as international cycling sport venue added Sumantri Endang the General Manager of the resort
The lunch and prize giving ceremony were held in Turi Beach Resort, specifically in the lobby. After they cool down and had lunch, the winners of the race were announced, there are numbers of winner based on different categories; cat 1, cat 2, cat 3 and women. After the race winners announced, press conference was held at the lobby area which attended by Aan Ambaryati & Hendry From Ministry of Tourism , Buralimar from Head of Riau Islands Tourism , Pebrialin from Head of Batam Tourism , Kent McCallum from Cycosports Singapore , and the host of the press conference Sumantri Endang ,Turi Beach Resort's General Manager as well as all national online & offline medias and bloggers in Batam.
The event was ended by the lucky draws with lot of prizes for the participants.
Here's a list of winners for each categories :
Men's Elite Open
1st Winner Alexander Donger
Men's Master
1st Winner James loh
Men's Junior A
1st Winner Curtis Zhenliang Tan
Men's Supermasters
1st Winner Frank Reynaerts
Men's Veterans
1st Winner Steven Wong
Women's Elite Open
1st Winner Serene Lee
Men's Sport Open
1st Winner Mark Wong
Women's Sport Open
1st Winner Ruth Cutaran
The event ended up successfully. The cyclists were sent back to the Harbour Front Ferry Terminal after the closing event was finished. They're back to Singapore, as well as their bikes. Congratulations for the winners and congratulations for Cycosports that successfully run their third event of the year, Nongsa Challenge 2017. Turi Beach Resort hopes that we can see you again with more cyclists spirit in the next event!
Batam Tourism Office
Cycosports Singapore
Hot News
Riau Islands Tourism Office
Turi Beach Resort
Wonderful Indonesia